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Create Line / Area Chart

Create Line/Area Chart: This video contains how to create Line/Area Chart in OPNBI.

dashboard -icon 1

  1. Click on Hamburger Icon.

    dashboard -icon 1

  2. The Create Dashboard Dialog box will pop up on screen. Enter Dashboard Name as shown in Figure.

  3. Click on Create After entering Dashboard Name in dialog box.

    dashboard -icon 1

  4. You will see an Empty Dashboard, As shown in figure below:

    dashboard -icon 1

  5. From Right Vertical Menu Select the Line chart Widget icon, as shown in figure below:

    dashboard -icon 1

  6. The Edit menu box appears as you click on Line chart icon. And a widget gets added in content place automatically in dashboard.

  7. Enter Widget Name in Widget Title box, As shown in below figure.

    dashboard -icon 1

  8. Enter Following details in chart controls:

  • Datasets: Sales.ds
  • Category Axis: country
  • Value Column: quantityOrdered
  • Aggregation: sum
Fill above details in edit box, As Shown in figure.

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  1. Click on Preview and Save and Exit.

  2. Now, match your Line chart with the below example, it should look like the figure below:

    dashboard -icon 1

    In order to understand in detail about Line/Area Chart, click on the following links:-

1. Create Stacked Line/Area Chart

2. Formatting

3. Annotation

4. Hierarchy

5. Event

6. Settings